On Complexity in the Social Sciences

        Furthermore, the earlier discussion of statehood is unspecified with respect to the strong generative capacity of the theory. We will bring evidence in favor of the following thesis: a descriptively adequate grammar suffices to account for the ultimate standard that determines the socio-political realism of any proposed model. It may be, then, that the systematic use of complex symbols does not readily tolerate a stipulation to place the constructions into these various categories. To provide a constituent structure for this politico-social process, a case of international conflict of a different nature is, apparently, determined by an important distinction in language use. A consequence of the approach just outlined is that the descriptive power of the base component may remedy and, at the same time, eliminate the levels of detail from fairly high (eg (99a)) to very low (eg (98d)).

        We have already seen that this selectionally introduced contextual feature appears to correlate rather closely with the system of behavioral rules exclusive to the agent. For one thing, relational information raises serious doubts about the emergent system of "understanding" described previously (34). However, this assumption is not correct, since the fundamental error of regarding functional notions as categorial is rather different from an abstract underlying order. Clearly, an important property of these three types of econometric approaches can be defined in such a way as to impose a resource-poor landscape upon which functionality has been defined by the interactions between agents. I suggested that these results would follow from the assumption that the notion of linguistic complexity cannot be arbitrary in the traditional practice of political scientists.

Next paragraph            What is this all about?            How does it work?